Monday, July 28, 2008

Battle of the Bed

What is good Feng-shui?

A few months ago in an attempt to make better harmony in our house Mariana re-arranged our bedroom. I guess the eastern facing bed was at odds with "The Grand Duke" or Jupiter as he is more commonly known and so we had to turn the bed to face west to better facilitate stability and prosperity in Casa de Vona.

Mariana's feng shui knowlege is extensive and greatly appreciated and I usually know better than to argue or question any of her arrangements.

Until now...

Normally I could care less what direction my faces but if you saw our bedroom you would have to agree that east is the only possible direction it could and should face.

If the bed faces east, it maximizes the view of the river, Hamilton and Bulimba accross the river. As well, there is an alcove in the west wall of the room that is made for the dresser or table on that end. On the east wall are outlets for end tables and the like, it is just obvious that the bed is supposed to face east, it is what the architenct would want.

Finally I was able to talk some sense into the girl and our bed faces east again. It might not be perfect feng shui but I can tell you that my harmony has been restored.

Kitty approved!

Nick - 1
Grand Duke - 0

walkabout 4-2

Hey, hey, hey!

Sorry for the lack of posts of late. I have been pretty busy at work the last few weeks and have not been in the blogging frame of mind. I must, and do keep up a certain standard (as you can tell) of writing excelence on The Roo and a break from time to time is warranted.

On with the show...

One of our favorite pastimes here in Australia is walking. Brisbane is actually the perfect walking city. It is not too big, is relatively flat, has tons of walk-ways and sidewalks, and when it is not a million degrees out, the weather is relatively nice.

These days I get up at 6 am and take an hour walk from Casa de Vona in Newstead, along the river to the district of Hamilton and back. It is a great way to wake up and start the day and is my main axis of attack in the never ending battle to lose ten pounds of ass-fat. Mariana is walking too. She works in CBD and every day she makes the hour walk from the office to the house in her struggle to maintain a proper ballast. Weekends are nice as we get to walk together.

Here is a pictorial view of our walk...