The characters are well designed and the animation is simple and entertaining. The poses are well designed and the silhouettes read very well against the plain, white, background. It is amazing what you can communicate with some clear character posing and good timing. The staging is well thought out and there us great use of negative shapes, contrasting shapes, and silhouette. The secondary animation is simplified to a minimum, the ear flap on Pocoyo or the bill on the duck, wiggling when the character settles into a pose.
My favorite character is the duck. Note how dramatically his body shape changes from action to action and how his bill is used as a major part of his personality and functionality.
The originals are in Spanish, Mariana says the accent is from Spain, they are dubbed in English though and just as entertaining in either language.
You can see it for yourself here...
Pocoyo en Espanol
Pocoyo in English
They have a blog too...
Hayden tested and approved!
Thanks Nick!
does he watch it already?
we watched it online at the link you sent. He watched the whole thing with a huge smile on his face the entire time!
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