A strong south swell is filling into the Queensland Coast today and peaking on Sunday and Monday with what is projected to be 8-10 foot surf at the points. Snapper Rocks was stormy and wild this morning but the waves break within the wind shielded pocket and was fi

ve foot, hollow, and super fun. The sand on the point is perfectly groomed. The picture from the right was taken of snapper's this morning.
I got what i think is the best wave since my arrival here in Australia, a head high gem that seemed to go on forever or at least 150 yards and included two solid tubes and the third one ate me, ending the wave. My legs were jelly after that. I got three waves in two hours, with the length of ride it felt like i surfed a lot more than three waves.
When I got to work this morning and was reviewing the early morning (7:00)
surf cam and was surprised to see myself walking back up the point. I know it was me because just on I

remember the guy with the yellow twin fin in the mid right of the screen and the guy with the beer gut on the upper right of the screen entering the water. After I saw them, I saw the couple to my right and there I was, on the lower left, in the short john. Too bad the camera feed was not a few minutes earlier as it might have captured me getting SHACKED...
Sunday should be epic and I am taking Monday off work for more...
1 comment:
You look nice walking with your surfboard!!!
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