Monday, June 16, 2008

Winter Wonderland...

Winter is upon us in all of it's fury. Or not. Winter in Southeast Queensland is surprisingly pleasant. The days are sunny and dry and tend to be about 70 - 75 degrees with a breeze. At night the temps drop to the low 60's and maybe once into the high 50's.

It is a welcome change from the tropical, humid climate we had for the first six months although I am looking forward to summer again. Something about that 82 degree water. I can't complain now as it is the height of winter and the water is still 72 degrees.

We had such nice weather yesterday I snapped some pics from the balcony...


Nick and Mariana Vona said...

I love winter time, there are no stiky and humid days :)hehehe

Gina Kadlec said...

I'm so jealous... it's cloudy here... it's cloudy everyday...I hate cloudy.