Monday, September 1, 2008

Walkabout and Terrifying Birds

I had a Monday off this week thanks to the studio move, of which I will cover in a post to follow this one. As it was a weekday off, was not shared by Mariana, and there was no waves, I was left but one option that was to take another ridiculously long walk. Mariana have gotten into this habit lately, to pick a spot in the city and walk to it. Usually they are upwards of three hours of solid foot time. Saturday we walked a lot and Sunday we walked even more, and for some reason I decided I needed to punish my feet some more. I strapped on my new North Face walkers and headed out the door.

Spring time is here. You can tell not only as it is warmer and the humidity is clawing it's way back into our lives, but also a more sinister and dangerous element is making it's mark on our psyche.

The Birds.

I was attacked twice, at two different areas. The first was while walking up a pretty steep hill in Albion. I noticed a large, black and white bird following me. It was a Magpie, which are very beautiful with a mesmerizing call but also known to be quite nasty. So, he's following be for a block and I pay him no mind when suddenly I am hit from behind, knocking my sunglasses off my head. It was not a tap mind you, it hurt.

Now he has my attention and he's following me. I start walking faster and he makes another close pass and I start to run. I know this is starting to you all of the "Don't Get Off the Boat Man" story and the irony is not lost on me as this time I am running up hill, waving my arms about trying to get away from my new, feathered adversary. Fricking nature.

Finally rid of the bird I was able to enjoy some of the fantastic architecture that makes up this hills of Albion.

On the way back I was attacked again this time by two Noisy Minirs. We see these all over and they are kind of aggressive. I notice they are always in pairs and have bad tempers.


Nick and Mariana Vona said...

:) hahahha
Poor Nico!!! He got attacked by birds!!!! Next time carry an umbrela so you can shoo shoo them

Alana Neufeld said...

Good thing you have such a hard head! I knew you'd find a use for it someday.


Gina Kadlec said...

I would have paid big money to have witnessed that.