Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sunshine Coast Hinterlands...

Last week Mariana and I took a Sunday drive up to the Sunshine Coast hinterlands. Basically, you drive an hour north of Brisbane to Caloundra and hang a left.

It is a really pretty drive through the countryside. There are a couple of small towns along the way and the nearby Glass House Mountains make for some spectacular views. There were numerous vista points to gaze at and take it all in.

We ended up at a big State park that had some h iking trails and a waterfall. It was a very pretty hike out to the falls which emptied into a giant pool. There were people swimming in the pool and with the hot weather it looked inviting, of course until we saw the large eel that was making his way around the pool. Actually, no one seemed to mind him. He seemed to be swimming in a clockwise fashion around the pool and people would ask "where is he" and jump in if he was far enough away.

From the top of the falls was a really intense view of the valley that stretched for miles. It was an amazing place.

When we were about to leave a giant Water Monitor (think big lizard) came lumbering out of the jungle. He paid us no attention and just wanted a drink.

I just got a video camera and edited a small video of our day. Check out Mariana's blog for the full scoop with all the pictures. Please, pay no attention to the hackish editing job and ultra bad effects work in the video. I just getting the hang of all of it...


Nick and Mariana Vona said...

Nice video Nico!!
The next one will be from the Zoo..
:) hehe

gio said...

animal planet