George McGovern, 1972 Democratic Presidential Nominee has written a stinging editoral in The Washington Post calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
It is an excellent summary of the lies, corruption, treason and treachery of what veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas (who has covered every president since Kenned

Write your Congressperson (if you haven't already) and let them know that your mad as hell and not gonna take it any more!
You can read it here:
Click ME!!!
or here
Click ME2!!!
Amen Brother!
Gina has always been so eloquent :-)
Hi Nick. Your Aunt Candy here with Grandma....just surfing your blog.
Glad to know your safely installed in Ausie Land. Love to you and to Mariana.
Nick, just to make you aware your Grandma is reading your blogs. We are so thrilled to eavesdrop on your new experiences. Love, grandma
I mis-spelled ...your should be you're
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