Wednesday, August 8, 2007

B Flat

We have had one decent south swell and that was back in April. Since then, the South Pacific has been virtually asleep, high preassure sitting just east of the Tasman See is keeping any storm tracks from forming in the South Pacific.
I am a moron when it comes to surf forecasting but as in all things Nick, I try to sound like I know something about it... Hopefully, in a few months it will resemble less as a lake and more like the photo on right of the Gold Coast I dug up...

Report 08-08-07

Thursday the 9th looks like the last day for this SW swell with waist to possibly, at times, chest high waves for south facing breaks. Winds should be calm in the morning and only reach 11-13 mph in the afternoon. Tide looks moderate for the AM, but extremely high for evening sessions. More on the winds here, tides here, and wave heights here.

Friday the 10th is looking smaller. SW fades to knee to waist.

Saturday the 11th looks about the same.

Sunday the 12th, hit the small-surf replay button: waist high at best.

Monday the 13th looks even smaller: knee high.

Tuesday the 14th looks about the same: weak and small.

Looking farther out on the horizon, there just really isn't much happening on the models right now. Long-range southern hemi models are showing some possible activity around New Zealand in a few days, but the jetstream is rather strong right now and anything forming in that region will likely be held tightly to the south, which isn't good news for surf along our shores. We'll keep an eye on it though and let you know if anything comes of it.

Our next report is scheduled for Thursday. Until then, keep it safe, smile in the line-up, and have fun (no matter how small it gets).

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