Thursday, September 20, 2007

Old Friends...

The best part of my trip to SF was seeing old friends I have not seen in a long time and the surprises I found. Seeing where the chips have fallen; some good, some are the same, and some not so good.
I was able catch up with one particularity good friend, and possibly one of my best friends; Jon Bonjean. Jon and I worked at Sinbad's Pier 2 (ewww) for about four or five years together. I consider this my worst job ever but it was also the best job because of Jon. He was like a father to me and one of the funniest people I have ever known but one the most sincere and honest persons ever I have met.
Jon was born in North Beach many years ago and has been in the restaurant industry for over forty years. He owned a successful place in the eighties but through some misfortune, lost it. When I met him, he was tending bar, supporting his elderly mother and biding time for his next move.
Jon always told me that the restaurant business was changing and that it was no way to make a life. "Get out and do something with your life, don't end up a drunk behind or under the bar" and "get your education" came out of his mouth often. People had said things like that to me before but he was someone I really looked up to and I took his advice which is how I ended up in games. I owe much to Jon.
I was really happy to see him, it took a couple of days to track him down but I was amazed when I did.
John and another guy I knew are now partners in one of the most beautiful restaurants I have ever seen. Julius' Castle is a San Francisco land mark in business since 1929. In years of late it had fallen on harder times and finally closed. Jon and Chuck Stinson have refurbished and reopened the restaurant with possibly the best view in the city. The interior is adorned with fine antiques and a warm wood encased interior. The menu has been reinvented and I know Jon, he is passionate about food, I am sure it is excellent.

Good luck Jon...

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