John Riccitello who headed up VG Holdings (Elevation Partners) rejoined EA earlier this year as CEO stated that the deal was "a strategic move that speaks directly to quality, online, growth and new IP". That means that Pandemic will continue to develop new IP and ownership would be held by EA with exception of Destroy All Humans which is owned by THQ.
What is to gain by BioWare and Pandemic, "Riccitiello said that as independent developers, the two spent a lot of time courting independent publishers and negotiating deals, and EA would effectively simplify that process to zero, offering them the leverage of EA publishing which could extend the two studios into places they don't traditionally get, including online and in the mobile sphere."
It sounds like Pandemic will still be in the adventure game business and BioWare will still be the RPG masters, if it's not broken don't fix it.
Some EA stock would be nice and I will have to make sure I am in that bread line...
yo i'm back...don't know if your phone sill works. let me know if you want to surf. I'm a free man until saturday or come up and have kbbq. call me.
yeah foo!
surf sounds good on thursday, kind of flat til then. I can always make it up for some KBBQ and cervezas...
I'll call you today...
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