A not so fun aspect of migrating to Australia is the physical portion of the 457 visa. You have to go to a Doctor that is recognized by the Australian Government, luckily out of the handful in the state, one is in Solana Beach.
First the physical, not so bad. It was just the standard breath in and out, blood pressure, hight/weight, and turn your head and cough type of thing.
Next was the radiology department at Scripps Memorial Hospital and some chest x-rays. This was not bad but just kind of depressing. It kind of reminded me of the early-bird special at Bob's Big Boy if Bob's was purgatory and the not so speedy gateway to the great beyond. Everyone there was 95 and senile, especially the woman next to me that kept referring to me as Jeffery, that darling young boy next door".
Next up were the blood tests. This was to see if I had HIV, syphilis or Ebola or anything else like that. I am going out on a limb here but, I think I passed that one.
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